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Harm Reduction Victoria
Privacy & Confidentiality Policy

Harm Reduction Victoria is committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of service users, participants, team members and stakeholders in the way information is collected, stored and used. This policy provides guidance on Harm Reduction Victoria’s legal obligations and ethical expectations in relation to privacy and confidentiality.


Harm Reduction Victoria will only collect personal information that is necessary to support its service users, provide service delivery and evaluate services provided by the organisation.


Harm Reduction Victoria will only collect information through ‘lawful and fair means’ – that is, not through criminal or illegal activity, trickery or deception.


Harm Reduction Victoria will endeavor to only collect information directly from the person it belongs to after obtaining consent from that person. If Harm Reduction Victoria is unable to collect information directly from the person it belongs to or obtain their consent but considers the information to be critical in providing health services to that person or other individuals, Harm Reduction Victoria will follow the IPP, APP and HPP guidelines around the collection, notification, storage, use and disclosure of the information.

Harm Reduction Victoria strives to respect the confidentiality of any information pertaining to service users and any other individual who may engage with the organisation. However, in the spirit of partnership, Harm Reduction Victoria may share information with other organisations, involved individuals and services users when it is in the best interest of the service user or individual to do so. This best interest should be decided in partnership with the service user, and a standard health information sharing agreement should be used with the individual when we are operating on their behalf and sharing information with others.

In the event of collecting or sharing information about individuals or organisations, Harm Reduction Victoria will take all reasonable steps to ensure it is abiding by relevant legislation, including but not limited to those listed in the legislation, clinical guidelines or other requirements. Reasonable steps to establish policies, procedures and work processes may include but are not limited to:


  • Consult with Harm Reduction Victoria’s lawyers, specifically the Privacy and Data Security team

  • For personal information, consult with the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner and/or Office of the Australian Information Commissioner

  • For health information, consult with the Health Complaints Commissioner and/or the Department of Health Privacy Team

  • Complete a Privacy Impact Assessment

  • Enter into an agreement with the individual or organisation that HRVic will be collecting or sharing information.


Harm Reduction Victoria is committed to ensuring that information is used in an ethical and responsible manner.


Harm Reduction Victoria recognises the need to be consistent, cautious and thorough in the way that information about service users, participants, stakeholders and team members is recorded, stored and managed. All individuals including service users, participants, stakeholders, staff and volunteers have legislated rights to privacy of personal information. In circumstances where the right to privacy may be overridden by other considerations (for example, child protection concerns or public health and safety), staff will act in accordance with the relevant policy and/or legal framework.


All team members are to have an appropriate level of understanding about how to meet the organisation’s legal and ethical obligations to ensure privacy and confidentiality.


Harm Reduction Victoria strives to provide quality services in which information is collected, stored, used and disclosed in an appropriate manner complying with both legislative requirements and ethical obligations.


Harm Reduction Victoria will work to ensure all staff understand their privacy and confidentiality responsibilities in relation to personal information and organisational information about Harm Reduction Victoria, its service users, participants, team members and stakeholders. This understanding should be demonstrated in all work practices.


Please contact or call (03) 9329 1500 for more information.

  ABN: 46 114 268 362

Harm Reduction Victoria

299-305 Victoria Street
Brunswick 3056 VIC

Phone: +61-03-9329 1500

Postal Address:
PO Box 87
Brunswick 3056 VIC

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(methadone, suboxone, bupe, long acting injectables) please
Call the PAMS phone Service only on

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